Current Circumstances

I am a single mom of two. My girl is 4 years old and my boy just turned 2 a few months ago. I just lost my job and was diagnosed with diabetes. I’m going back to school so I can provide a better life for myself and my kids. My mom who is a senior was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s and has come to live with us so we are really needing some extra help at this time. We would be grateful for any help we could get!

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2 years ago

  • Family of 3
  • Utah

Our Story

I love my kids, they are my life. I love seeing them happy, and try to do everything in my power to see them smile. I try to be a good mom but things are just really hard right now. If you can find it in your heart to help it would be extremely appreciated!

Previous orders
01/16/23 12:56
01/18/22 01:42
12/08/21 09:51
08/22/21 11:14
