Current Circumstances

I am a disabled woman since 2006. I moved with my 18 year old son to SLC to be closer to my doctors. I have degenerative disc disease ( 3 working discs left in my back and neck). Also Intracranial hypertension which means my brain doesn’t drain off spinal fluid and it puts significant pressure on my brain that mimics a brain tumor. I’m in immense pain daily from these issues. I just want quality of life again!!

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4 years ago

  • Family of 2
  • Utah

Our Story

My main enjoyment are my kids ( 2 out of 3 ) are now grown and my 6 grand kids ages 7,6,5 3,3 and 8 mos!! I spend as much quality time with them as I can! To say they are adored s an understatement of the century!!
I also enjoy cooking and dyi ( when physically possible)

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05/24/21 03:58
