Current Circumstances

Family is having to find a new home, have to save every dime for this move. We have barely any groceries right now. And are having trouble making it month to month. Once we move and get passed this, we will be able to settle in but right now its all hard. We have lived here for ten years, loved our home. and our landlord now wants his home back for his family.

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4 years ago

  • Family of 5
  • Utah

Our Story

My family is consitant of two kids my boys, and me, and my mother whom I take care of. She is unable to walk for long periods of time so she is in a wheel chair I myself have a physical disability. And I am unable to work. My youngest is Autisitic, and my nephew moved in to help us with taking trash out. and getting mom in the house.

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05/23/21 21:18
